Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Year 3 Collaborative Art Workshops

For our school wide concept of Creativity, Year 3 is looking at creative environments. We have been set the challenge by Mr Aukett to design a new marble run for the area opposite the lower courts. Each teacher is teaching an art or science skill and the children have signed up for a workshop that they are interested in. The workshops are: painting, mulitmedia, printmaking, sculpture and physics (forces involved in a marble run). Then children who have learned different skills will collaborate to use their new skills and knowledge to design a marble run as a group.  We will then submit our designs to Mr Ayson and he will choose the best one to action!

Painting workshop:

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Year 3 Dance Party

At the end of Term 1, Year 3 got together for a dance party! It was a such a fun way to end our first Term as Year 3's.